• Guide to buying a house that needs structural repairs

    Sep 1

    Future homeowners often have to face a myriad of problems during the homebuying process. Some are obvious, minor, and relatively easy to overcome. But, there are other, more significant problems that can ruin your entire househunting efforts. And the home structural damage is a leader amongst them. For most, discovering ...

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    Aug 16

    Choosing the right construction company can be a difficult task. There are many variables to consider, and it is up to you as the customer to make sure that you have done your research before committing. If you don't know where to begin, this blog post will provide seven ...

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  • How to Overcome the Latest Residential Cleaning Challenges

    Aug 10

    Cleaning and disinfection done right. The outbreak of the pandemic has posed unique challenges that were never seen before and requires property owners and managers to take new precautions to keep residents and staff safe. Although we have found vaccines to contain the spread of the virus, there is still ...

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  • Boost Your Property's Resale Value Using Paint: 7 Tips to Consider

    Jul 28

    If you are planning to put your property on the market, you would want to increase its resale value first. But this does not necessarily mean undertaking expensive and laborious renovations. There is an easy yet fruitful way of doing so – and that is by using paint. Painting your house ...

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  • Common Foundation Problems Found in Florida

    May 26

    The foundation is the most important part of our homes. It is a base for our house, and if not built properly, it can cause many problems, which can result in severe damage to the structure in the long run. When it comes to homes in Florida, there are plenty ...

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  • Here’s What You Need to Know About Water Damage Before You Buy a Home

    Apr 19

    Originally posted on inspectionsupport.net   Whether it’s a flood, hurricane, or burst pipes, water damage can wreak havoc on a home. Not all water damage is visible at first glance, so home buyers must know what to look for before they purchase a new property. There ...

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  • Make Your Roof Last: Top Maintenance Tips to Keep in Mind

    Apr 16

    Here's something not many homeowners know: the average cost of roof replacement can range from $5,000 to $28,000. Considering how costly roof replacement can be, it makes perfect sense to look after your roof accordingly, so it lasts for a very long time.  Just like contractors insurance, roof maintenance is ...

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  • A Contractor’s Guide to Choosing Plastic Pipes

    Oct 6

    As a contractor, it is essential that you stay on top of the trends while also being up-to-date on new innovations.   If you work on projects that require pipe installation, you want to make sure you have all the necessary knowledge to advise your clients appropriately. This means knowing ...

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  • Determining Proper Footing Depth

    Jul 27

    The footing is the support for the entire structure.  Unless the property is located in a flood zone or in an area know to be problematic, in Florida we typically rely on either 1] SPREAD FOOTINGS and stemwalls, if required, meant to retain and reastrain the soil they contain or 2] ...

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  • 6 Stylish Ideas for a More Visually Pleasing and Useful Backyard

    Jul 8

    When you put a lot of effort into your home interior design, you should consider directing attention to your outdoor space as well. After all, your property exterior can serve numerous functions in elevating your family's overall quality of life.  So, to help you get started on a ...

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  • Don't Neglect Your Home's Foundations When Considering a Renovation

    Jun 28

    When renovating their homes, homeowners often have three primary motives. They want to improve the aesthetics of the property, make it more enjoyable, and boost its resale value.They will usually do this by updating the style of the home and expanding the function of its various components. But, there ...

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  • Top 8 Home Updates That Pay Off

    May 4

      What is the single update you can make to your home that would result in the most significant increase in the value of the property? Every home-owner wants to know the answer to this question. Given how much you have invested in the property, emotionally and financially, this is ...

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  • Dos and Don'ts for Rental Remodeling from Tenant's Perspective

    Jan 27

    More than half of the U.S.’s 100 largest cities now have more renters than buyers, according to Money.com. And this figure is expected to continue rising.  Renting is attractive for several reasons. For one, renting provides a lot of convenience. Because as a renter, Cavalier Estates ...

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    Jan 9

    In Florida, much of our extraordinary real estate growth is tied to the waterfront and the coastal zone homes that line our waterways.  Due to the flood zone regulations born in the 1980s, and growing harsher by the decade - our "conforming structures" are required to be ...

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    Dec 7

    The BUILDER'S LEVEL and TRANSIT are tools that have been in existence for a long time.  The main difference in the two is a LEVEL provides a method of finding a transferrable point of height [ELEVATION] and transferring that point to other locations horizontally [every point you shoot ...

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    Nov 25

    I truly thought this was going to be an interesting article - I was mistaken!   The fortifications specifically mentioned in the article are code required or LARGELY done already, by better builders! Ring shank nails to hold down the roof sheeting - why would anyone NOT use ring shank ...

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    Sep 14

    I found myself engrossed in an article by MSN Money titled "The U.S. is in the top tier of house sizes internationally - and not just because of McMansions".  The article is mildly interesting and quoted some rote statistics like  The average American home is in the 1600...

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  • I Disagree - Wood is NOT Your Friend in Florida!

    Jul 29

    This article in Sunday's paper describes the tremendous volume of multi-family FRAME construction and it's financial allure.  I argue that this is terribly wrong and extremely shortsighted.  WOOD IS NOT YOUR FRIEND IN FLORIDA!   Take a look at the 3 - 4 story buildings featured in the ...

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  • Well Grounded Logic Says DON'T Raise the Old Home!

    Jun 25

    Like most folks, I was struck by the photo of the heavy construction in this article. As I read the article, I realized how terribly misguided this particular effort is in most cases. It is certainly a misguided effort in this case.  The article quoted $225,000 of work to complete ...

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  • FLASHING - the first line of defense against water intrusion!

    Apr 27

    It happened again this week - I saw two projects that were very badly compromised, due to water intrusion.  The fix was both difficult and expensive, which is heartbreaking considering that doing it correctly initially is both cheap and easy. You just have to pay attention to the basics.&...

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